As riots escalated in the capital on Wednesday morning, Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said that six people had died as of 9am.
“Six people have died so far. Two at Tarakan Hospital and then at Pelni, Budi Kemulyaan, Cipto Mangunkusumo and RSAL Mintoharjo hospitals,” he said.
“In total, six people had died and 200 sustained injuries as of 9am,” he added.
In a public address, Anies said he had gone to Tarakan Hospital in Central Jakarta earlier in the morning to check on the injured protesters.
“Tarakan Hospital received the largest number of patients as of this morning. Around 80 injured protesters were brought in this morning. Meanwhile, around 70 injured protesters were admitted to Pelni Hospital in West Jakarta,” he said.
Anies called on the protesters to maintain public order and safety to prevent more deaths and injuries.
“Please protest in a peaceful and orderly manner. I also urge law enforcement personnel to practice restraint to avoid any unwanted conflicts with the protesters,” he said. – The Jakarta Post/Asia News Network
Source: BBC