children are our future , our foundation . Every children in this world are golden , pure and talented . children needs lots of love , support and guidance to bloom as a flowers , specially the under privileged children . The talents and skill sets of a child grows in their early stage , even when they are in their mother’s womb . These children needs a safe home to grow as a good human . Often time children are neglected , abused by their own parents .some times these children are sexually abused and often traumatized because of negligence.
Let’s do not project our unhappiness , misery on these innocent children which block them to grow as a happy and healthy child.let’s protect them , guide them , love them , teach them do that they all become one day “ The golden Children .
Farah M Saddha . ( An Entrepreneur , activist , journalist and Author ) Her organization Baldha Group , Andra ( non profit ) And are the global participants and Signatory of UNGC and WEP ( UN Women). A Bangladeshi American , grew up in Dallas , TX . She did her undergrad in Electrical Engineering from Texas A and M university and her MBA from University of Dallas . She joined Nokia inc at Dallas , TX as a system Engnineer. Her published books are princess of the tide the global rose , belong to the world , journey of the spirit . Her dance album “dancing is like a poem “contains Hawaiian and Middle Eastern dance . Her passion is to travel and learn Spanish , Chinese and Hawaii language.