The new year brings newness into your life and lets good things happen in your life.
With forgiveness and gratefulness walk on the path of light for a higher purpose and greater benefits for mankind. Bless you and be happy.
Farrah M Saddha. ( An Entrepreneur, activist, journalist, and Author ) Her organization Baldha Group, Andra (non-profit), And are the global participants and Signatories of UNGC and WEP ( UN Women). A Bangladeshi American grew up in Dallas, TX. She did her undergrad in Electrical Engineering from Texas A and M University and her MBA from the University of Dallas. She joined Nokia inc in Dallas, TX as a System Engineer. Her published books are the princess of the tide global rose, belong to the world, and the journey of the spirit. Her dance album “dancing is like a poem “contains Hawaiian and Middle Eastern dance. Her passion is to travel and learn Spanish, Chinese, and Hawaii languages.