Humanity is not a vocabulary Farah M saddha 4th Nov.2106
In today’s world we give sophisticated speech in the expensive global conferences
We dress up in expensive suites and high hills and walk on the stage with great vanity
There are discussions sessions during the luxuries wine and dine break on humanity ,
Zero Poverty , Zero child abuse and many other catastrophic slogans and objectives
highlight our power point docs and high tech apps and iPads we often brag about .
Do we ever realise how suffering for hunger would feel like ?
Do we ever face how challenging and miserable is it to be homeless ?
Did we ever feel the pain to be a disabled person ?
In the darkness of the night the hungry child still cries for food
In the coldest winter the homeless mother still shivers in extreme cold
In the endless pain the disabled still tries to cross the street
Humanity is not a talk show , humanity is not a race for fame and not a vocabulary.
Farah M Saddha
Support United Nations global compact Platform As An Entrepreneur , Humanist and Author.